Must-see attractions in Palau

  • Belau National Museum & Bai


    This little museum features exhibits from all eras of Palauan life, including artworks, photography, sculpture, storyboards and more. As you move between…

  • Badrulchau Stone Monoliths


    If you want to see the 'Easter Island of Micronesia', bookmark this archaeological site located at Babeldaob's northernmost point, where you'll find large…

  • Airai Bai, Babeldaob Island, Palau

    Airai Bai


    Palau's oldest bai (men's meeting house) is over 100 years old, 21m long and 6m wide, with a steeply pitched roof reaching a height of 12m. It was…

  • Kaigun Sho (Japanese Communication Centre), Babeldaob Island, Palau

    Kaigun Sho


    Babeldaob's most impressive WWII site, Kaigun Sho is a bombed-out shell building, used as a communication centre by the Japanese during WWII. The facade…

  • Melekeok Bai, Babeldaob Island, Palau

    Melekeok Bai


    This elegant bai (men's meeting house) stands in superb isolation up a hill in Melekeok. From the Melekeok State Office, where you'll pay the entrance fee…

  • Palau Community College Bai, Koror, Palau

    Palau Community College Bai


    Your first encounter with a bai (men's meeting house made of wood and thatch) will probably take place in the grounds of Palau Community College, right in…

  • Ngatpang Waterfall


    Fancy a dip? Make a beeline for this little jungle waterfall that drops into a broad pool. It's only a five-minute walk down the main road, but there's no…

  • Capitol building, Babeldaob Island, Palau

    Palau National Capitol


    Washington DC? No, Palau's political centre. This monumental building, which was constructed in 2006, is a replica of the American capitol. Visitors are…

  • Ngardmau Waterfall, Babeldaob Island, Palau

    Ngardmau Waterfall


    One of Babeldaob's premier attractions, Ngardmau Waterfall flows from Palau's tallest peak, 217m-high Mt Ngerchelchuus. It's the tallest waterfall in…

  • Underwater viewing area, Pulau Aquarium.

    Palau Aquarium


    This intriguing aquarium is part of the Pacific International Coral Reef Centre, a Japanese-funded research complex. It aims to educate visitors about…

  • Japan-Palau Friendship Bridge, Palau

    Japan-Palau Friendship Bridge


    Built in 2002 by a Japanese company, this appealing suspension bridge stretches in a soaring 431m arch over the channel between Koror and Babeldaob. It…

  • Ngardok Nature Reserve


    Micronesia's largest natural freshwater reservoir, this protected area will appeal to nature lovers. The site has a well-maintained nature trail (about 1…

  • Etpison Museum


    Palau's (and Micronesia's) history and culture are showcased at this splendid museum east of Koror city centre. A highlight is the superb collection of…

  • Mother & Child Monolith


    On the eastern outskirts of Koror, the village of Ngermid is home to the Mother & Child Stone, said to be the Lot-like remains of a mum and kid who were…

  • Odalmelech Stone Faces


    Melekeok is home to some very baffling basaltic monoliths that are reminiscent of Easter Island's giant statues. They are carbon dated as far back as 895…